Guest Editor’s Profile – Chris Pointon

Chris Pointon

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Twitter: @pop77

In terms of your things, what does your space (studio/office/living area) look like? please describe.
My apartment is artfully cluttered. I acquire and collect so much stuff, that I’ve become a bit obsessed with having everything neatly organized and presented. My books, toys and prints are shelved, displayed, and mounted with pride.

As such, my apartment is a mash-up of bookshelves, wooden crates and display cabinets. Throw in some modernist furniture, lighting and A LOT of contemporary artwork, and you have a cozy apartment for 4 (my lovely girlfriend and 2 cats).

Up until recently, my office was a relegated to the role of extra storage space, housing the overflow of my toy collection. Thankfully, I was able to whip it into shape this past fall. It’s now a very usable studio, and home to my work desk, art supplies and various computer gizmos.

Where do you normally get your things?
I am slave to the almighty Ebay. I collect a lot of Japanese Kaiju and have a clutch of web stores, blogs and forums that I visit daily. I also have a great friend and fellow collector in Chris Brian; who along with his wife Ainsley, run the awesome shop, grumbletoy.

What is your prize possession/”thing”/collectible/tool?
Probably my Kaws “5 Years Later” Companion. It’s a rare, beautifully sculpted toy.

day 325 – four ways to take a lunch

1. Vintage Thermos: A Value Village find, featuring a fine selection of prairie fowl.
2. Vintage tin picnic basket: My 5th Anniversary gift for Britt.
3. Britt’s lunch pail: A frugal reminder (to a frugal man) to pack his lunch everyday.
4. Otis’s hand made snack bag: A local crafter’s super-utility bag for moms and kids.