day 380 – four plastic cases for keeping deciduous teeth

1. This post was inspired by two other tooth-related posts.

2. These cases were found under a shelf after a coffee mishap.

3. I do not have any baby teeth left.

4. Some people are known to have a third set of teeth.

day 369 – four beer coasters

Part of a collection of beer coasters found in a box at my work.

day 355 – four things that were on my porch

day 354 – four feathers

day 328 – four kawaii plush

Kawaii Plush

This past year, my toy collecting has spun off into acquiring boxes and boxes of Japanese candy, toys, and gashapon. I’m a total sucker for kawaii culture and asian character design.

The cute lil’ bears shown here are known as Rilakumma or “Relax Bear“.

day 327 – four wheatpaste posters in NYC


Go on a Mission: Take a big paint brush or roller, along with squirt bottle or 1.5 gallon plastic trash can nested in a messanger or book bag. Paint glue on the surface you want to stick the poster to, slap the poster into the glue, smooth the paper out, and then follow up with a final coat of glue over the top of the paper. Work quickly, without looking overly suspicious — teams of 2-3 people are optimal. Pick targets wisely: high visibility can be good but risky, near other posters may be safer and less likely to be torn down, think about who owns/maintains the space you’re pasting.”

A Frightening Prospect, 2011

day 297 – four transition sites

The central image is one of my favourite images.  A bird had built a nest in an electrical box at the site of an abandoned bottling factory.  This factory comprised of a steel shed with a variety of tanks, equipment and conveyer belts scattered about the grounds, is now overtaken by vegetation and wildlife.  All the sites shown here illustrate spaces that are in transition; places once habited by man that are now being reclaimed by nature.  If these sites are no longer exclusively nature made or manmade then what are they?

The study of cybernetics can be used to achieve a deeper understanding of complex biological, social and ecological systems, and is used to help us understand the world around us.  It is also a term used in reference to artificial enhancement in many ways including biological and social structures.  As humanity expands, our social, political, architectural and transport networks spread across the globe and our influence over the planet increases.  We implant structures on top of and under the ground, into the oceans and into the space around us to enhance our capabilities.  Our influence can even be seen on a genetic level as we experiment with plant and animal life.  The impact of our chemical pollutants can be seen across the planet.  If we can refer to ourselves as cyborgs because of our technological implants, pace makers, artificial limbs, wheelchairs, or ipods then can we not go so far as to say that our planet too is a cybernetic organism?

day 296 – four circles

There is symmetry in circles like these two ant holes, the squashed aluminum can, and the manhole covers.  These images make me consider it is apparent that we impact on the landscape and that it impacts on us.  Virtually all ecosystems on Earth have been affected by our presence.  We have the ability to adapt to our environment and to adapt our environment to us in ways that significantly affect the planet.  As our population increases our draw upon the planet’s resources increase.

We are a part of the ecosystem of our planet and rely upon a healthy ecosystem to supply our needs for survival.  While a great deal of our impact on the planets resources has been detrimental to the ecosystem our habits can change and are very slowly changing to reduce human impact and preserve our resources.

day 295 – four spokes

There is a cosmology of destruction and re-growth that stems from the things people throw away.  These objects become part of a microcosm that is growing and/or decaying, and being consumed and consuming.  On the larger scale this decomposition is an evolution of space.  These sites can neither be considered pristine nature nor cultural landscapes; rather they represent a state of harmonious decline and re-growth.

On one level I am captivated by the beauty of these spaces, on another I am also fascinated by their entropic evolution.  Entropy tangles and erodes the contours of the landforms and the built environment; it blurs distinguishing lines between interior and exterior, nature and culture redefining these spaces as other than nature made or human made.

day 294 – four grasping things

The clamp at the top right I found at an old abandoned bottling factory was inexplicably draped in a tree just as shown here.  The top left door knob was still attached to the door as was the car door handle below.  The vegetation pretty much over took the doors attached to both handles.  While most of these items were obscured by natural re-growth, because they are metal they will take many years decompose.

Even though nature reasserts its presence in spaces impacted by man’s presence, the natural landscape has been irrevocably changed.  Each piece of garbage that we leave behind is the seed for change in the evolution of our planet.  Not only is the full potential of these plantings only just beginning to be realized, but what does become apparent is that as man made objects and spaces are enveloped in natural re-growth, they combine to make a new space that is both nature made and man made.